redView and more 2010

There’s one point I failed in 2009: the proposed publishing of redView in december doesn’t happen.
The good news: progress went on and hopefully this week you can get it to download – and not only redView.
The real power of redView is the integration into a model-driven workflow and also to use one or more parts from generated runtime components.
Now there will be four Open Source projects (EPL License) and you can choose the parts you need. Here’s a short overview what you’ll get:

redView – Riena EMF Dynamic Views

redView contains a WYSIWYG editor for SWT Views based on an EMF model. You can use Drag-and-Drop to re-arrange the position of UI elements from inside the editor or outline-view. There’s also a Properties editor to change values of SWT properties or redView enhancements. All design-changes are preserved if you re-generate the View model. But redView isn’t only an editor for your Eclipse IDE – redView also has a Runtime component where UI was rendered dynamically. You can extend redView how you like it: using Eclipse Extensions or Equinox Declarative Services (DS).

A short overview:

red-open – Software Manufactory

You can use redView stand-alone like some other declarative UI frameworks – then its up to you if you define SWT Views from scratch using redView or use your own way to generate the EMF View models. red-open provides a Software Manufactory making it easy to generate redView EMF View models from your domain models: maybe UML, EMF, XSD, Xtext. red-open provides Cartridges for openArchitectureWare (Eclipse Modeling: MWE, Xpand/Xtend). red-open not only generates the Views, you can also generate Riena Navigation modules for your RCP application, Entities and more.

Here’s a short overview of red-open features:

open-erp-ware – Framework

If you’re developing Enterprise Business Applications (like ERP solutions) then perhaps open-erp-ware can reduce the time to develop. open-erp-ware provides components for RCP clients and Equinox / OSGI – server. Of course redView is used for dynamic UI rendering.

There are also many Declarative Services (DS) for Lookup, Search, Drag-n-Drop, Localization and more. As with all the other projects you can choose what helps your own projects.

open-erp-ware is tightly integrated with red-open Software Manufactory to get some parts generated and to avoid writing boilerplate of code by yourself.

ekkes-corner – fragments, bundles, utilities

If you follow my blogs then you know that I’m blogging about solutions around OSGI, Logging, MDSD, … From  now on I’ll publish my solutions on my SourceForge project.

redView, red-open and open-erp-ware are using SLF4J als Logging API and LogBack as SLF4J Implementation. You need some bundles / fragments to make it run under Equinox / OSGI – I’ll provide them at ekkes-corner project.

Our projects are also using CAL10N for Localization – to use CAL10N in OSGI applications, you have to do some work. (Of course for all mentioned projects only the use of SLF4J API is required – you can use your own OSGI logging solution. Same for use of CAL10N – there’s an ExtensionPoint in redView where you can provide your own solutions how to deal with Locale’s and Localization)

Here’s the short overview of ekkes-corner:

Eclipse Projects in-use

redView, red-open and open-erp-ware are using many Eclipse Projects. To be fair: without all these great projects at Eclipse it would be impossible to develop our projects. Thanks to all of you.

redView, red-open, open-erp-ware at SourceForge (till EclipseLabs are there)

We finally decided to host the projects at SourceForge. Don’t know what will happen in 2010 – there are already some discussions to have it under Eclipse Umbrella. There are also rumors about something like “Eclipse Labs” as a home for projects around Eclipse – perhaps for the first step this would be a solution. Feel free to talk about this with me at EclipseCon 2010 – if your’re in Munich: I’ll be at the Eclipse Stammtisch in Munich this month.

Here are the project – coordinates you can watch:

Please wait 2 or 3 days to see more content at the sites. Flo is hard working on some redView issues with dynamic collection binding and I’m refactoring some parts to reflect the project structures above and to avoid unneeded dependencies.

redView will ease your UI development, but to make it run in your specific project perhaps some initial work is needed 😉

To get started with redView and red-open we follow a hint from Jochen Krause (thanks again, Jochen) and provide many examples from a simple HelloWorld to complex Bindings, nested Views, Master-Detail, I18N and more. stay tuned…

18 responses

  1. red-open will be back in 2011…
    Thank you for the hint !
    please let us know, when there are any sources online… 🙂
    best regards

  2. > red-open will be back in 2011 …. under heavy refactoring and restructuring… will use Xtext 2.0 and Xtend 2.0… stay tuned
    yes, i stay tuned…
    but Eric Steven Raymond says …. “Release Early, Release Often” 😉
    is it possiblie to release the code in the current state ?

    • red-open was work happened some time back while working on a customer project. then this project was delayed. current code isn’t at a state to be used from ‘outsiders’, couldn’t be maintained by us and will be very different from new code – more then a refactoring.
      I’ll only public code which is at the state to become public. then of course: release often
      in short red-open 2011 isn’t the same as red-open existing for customer project 2005 – 2008 – it’s only the same name
      so – sorry – you have to wait.

    • Juri, we’re still working on this… will need some more months… florian is working on redVoodo ( – a vaadin based OSGI webframework for business apps. on top of redVoodo and redView red-open will provide DSL to generate business apps. but still work-in-progress

  3. red-open will be back in 2011 ….
    one day left ;-), seriously: did you had time to push redView ?
    greetings to germany and “guten Rutsch”!

    • same reason as red-open: hard working on web-framework redvoodo + server enmocs … hopefully in 2012 some customers will also spend some money on redview and red-open – development 😉

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