Meet me at EclipseCon Europe 2015 – Session Xtend beyond Java

Last conferences I didn’t found the time to attend EclipseCon because of so many projects for BlackBerry10.

This year I’ll be again at EclipseCon Europe in Ludwigsburg

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looking forward to meet so many friends again !

I’m also speaking at the conference

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Xtend beyond Java: generate cool stuff (C++, Qt) for mobile apps

Room 5, Thursday, 2015-11-05, 14:15
Developing mobile apps for C++ / Qt environments using Eclipse Momentics (based on CDT) there’s much stuff you have to code manually or copy/paste every day. I developed a DSL based on Xtend to make this much easier. This isn’t an app generator – it’s more like generating a workbench where you’ll find all those patterns to work offline (caching to JSON or SQLite), to deal with C++ Pointers for business logic and UI. All the boring stuff will be generated.

Live coding
In this session we’ll start from cratch: design a data model, generate the code and then add some UI logic to get a running app.

Then take a look at the templates to see how Xtend can be used to generate C++ instead of Java !

Meet me at EclipseCon !