osgi apps

Logging in OSGI Applications

  1. overview (services, api, implementation)
  2. log services vs. ‘classic’ loggers
  3. slf4j and logback as OSGI bundles (download, dependencies, cycles)
    1. added info about: SLF4J 1.5.10 and OSGI
    2. added info about: LOGBack 0.9.18 and OSGI
  4. extend logback classic bundle (Fragments, Overview used Bundles)
  5. listen to OSGI LogReader using DS (Declarative Services)
  6. how to start the logging framework (IDE, Runtime)
  7. configuration (config file, location, debug, dynamic, JMX)
  8. monitoring and viewing log messages (Lilith)
    1. added info about Lilith 0.9.37 and download Fragment bundle
  9. logging with: Riena, redView, oAW
  10. summary
  11. Quickstart (download and try it out)
    1. downloads available at sourceforge ekkescorner project. (there’s also sourcecode available)
  12. archiv: my logging blogseries from 2008
    1. overview
    2. catch classic log events
    3. catch osgi log services
    4. how to start the bundles
    5. config, fragments, markers
    6. oAW workflows

HowTo Build an OSGI – EJB3 Server

  1. Introduction
  2. Entity and EJB Bundles
  3. Easybeans EJB3 Container
  4. Easybeans ServiceTracker
  5. Monster Bundles from 3rdParty

OSGI Declarative Services

  1. Dependencies and Services
  2. DS vs. ServiceTracker

UI in OSGI Business Applications

Blog Series found here

Preferences and Configuration

  1. Eclipse Preferences in IDE
  2. Eclipse Preferences in RCP Client
  3. OSGI Admin Config

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2 responses

  1. Pingback: Logging in OSGI Applications – SLF4J « ekkes-corner: eclipse | osgi | mdsd | erp

  2. Pingback: Logging in OSGI Applications – LOGBack now EPL License « ekkes-corner: eclipse | osgi | mdsd | erp

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